“Dad keeps telling me to call her ‘Mom.’ But she’s not my real mom, and I’m not going to call her that.” Stepparents often wish children would call them Mom or Dad, but the kids aren’t always comfortable with that idea. To lessen stepfamily tensions, let the children decide what to call their newfound parents.…

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Rachel C. Swicker Registered Dietician; District Specialist, Communities, Families and Youth Cooperative Extension University of Massachusetts Copyright/Access Information EVALUA TUS CONOCIMIENTOS ACERCA DE LOS ALIMENTOS… Si utilizas procedimientos adecuados para la preparacion de alimentos, puedes prevenir el envenenamiento. Comprueba si tus procedimientos en la preparacion de alimentos son adecuados respondiendo a las siguientes preguntas. Responde…

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Shirley A. Mietlicki District Specialist, Communities, Families and Youth Cooperative Extension University of Massachusetts Copyright/Access Information YOU WILL LEARN: – what self-esteem is. – what influences your self-esteem. – how to improve your self-esteem. – why positive self-esteem is important. Self-esteem affects how happy and successful you are in life. When you feel good about…

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National Network for Child Care’s Connections Newsletter Donna Wilber Former Supervising Teacher Child Development Laboratory Northern Illinois University Copyright/Access Information Learning takes place from the very beginning of an infant’s life. Having a plan to help babies learn is an important part of caring for them. Infants, however, learn very differently from older children. Therefore,…

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Divorce Matters: Coping with Stress and Change

Lesia Oesterreich, M.S. Family Life Extension Specialist Human Development and Family Studies Iowa State University Copyright/Access Information Marital separation and divorce can be two of the most difficult events in an adult’s life. Much stress comes from three sources: the daily tasks and responsibilities that must be reorganized, the loss of significant relationships and possessions,…

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Lesia Oesterreich, M.S. Family Life Extension Specialist Human Development and Family Studies Iowa State UniversityCopyright/Access Information Developmental milestones give a general idea about what to expect from children of different ages. However, there will always be differences between individual children. Some children begin to walk at 10 months, some at 15 months. Some toddle along…

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STATISTICS: The Cooperative Extension’s Impact on Quality Child Care in Georgia Kids Count Data – Profile for Georgia Children’s Defense Fund – Georgia Profile Selected data on children and families by county from 1990 Census Child Welfare League of America State Fact Sheet Right Start Data – Profile for Georgia LICENSING: State Licensing Regulations State…

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Seizure Disorders

Doreen B. Greenstein, Ph.D. Developmental Psychologist Cornell University Extension Service Copyright/Access Information The brain is a complex, sensitive organ that controls and regulates all our motor movements, sensations, thoughts, and emotions. Brain cells work together, communicating by means of electric signals. Occasionally a group of cells discharge abnormal signals and the result is a seizure.…

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